6 Homemade yogurt face mask recipes

Yogurt face mask recipes. Yoghurt is the word cools you, especially in warm summer months, when the heat is full. Yoghurt tasty, creamy and tender. This is the virtual treasury of zinc, calcium, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12, protein and yeast. Beautiful nutrients and minerals in yogurt protect your bones, fight osteoporosis, fight cancer, cancer, diarrhea, high blood pressure and fungal infections. It improves digestion, immune function, and weight control. In addition, yogurt adds enzymes and oils to the skin, working as a natural moisturizer. It can also reduce pore size, improve overall skin texture, and give you a healthy light. Let's find out the role of Yoghurt in skin and hair care.

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Follow these proven and tested yogurt tips, and you'll shine!

  • Have stains, acne? Irritate yogurt in your acne every day. The rich zinc content will help cleanse your skin. Avoid scented varieties and apply yogurt only after you remove all makeup.
  • To stop acne on their way, mix some yeast beer with plain yogurt and apply on your face. Let sit for a few minutes, then clean.
  • Itching scalp Use some yogurt on your head, cover your hair with a towel then flush after 15 minutes. Yoghurt will deflect dandruff too!
  • Your hands and nails can also benefit from yogurt. Simply combine half a cup of plain yogurt with one lemon juice. Chill for a few hours and then use to massage your hands and nails. Rinse and clap your hands dry. Do this for two weeks and you'll see how soft and supple your hands are.

Other Yogurt Packages

Just Yoghurt

In addition to zinc, plain yogurt contains lactic acid, smooth skin makes it easy, yet effective. Just spread it on your face and leave for 20 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.

Protein Power Pack

1 egg whites, 1 tbsp yogurt, 1 tbsp fuller's earth and 1 tsp honey. Mix and apply on face and neck to cleanse, tighten, moisturize and nourish nutritious!

Good and Zesty 

1 tsp yogurt and ¼ orange or ½ lemon juice. Mix and clean to face. Leave it on for five minutes, then rinse with warm water. Zesting up your facial yogurt by adding a tablespoon of fresh orange fruit gives the pack an extra punch refreshing. In addition, lemons and oranges restore the normal pH balance of the skin, making it look fresh and young again.

Feel-Fab Fruit Pack 

¾ cup yogurt, 1 carrot (for restful, anti-inflammatory), ½ peach ( the essential emollient) and ½ cucumber (to refresh also soften the skin). Mix together. Apply and leave on the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse. Your skin will be left feeling renewed and moisturized.

Beat Dry Daze 

½ cup plain yogurt, 1 tbsp olive oil, and 1 ½ tsp fresh lemon juice. Mix all ingredients together. Apply on face for five to 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Heal dry skin.

The reader of this article should take all precautions when following the instructions on recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader and not the site and the author.

Image Credit : https://goo.gl/aaoRto

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