Benefits and how to use Moringa to health

Moringa also called Moringa oleifera is a plant that is easy to grow and is widely available in Indonesia. This plant is able to reach a height of 6 to 11 meters. Many people who say that all parts of the moringa can be utilized and has health benefits. Starting from stems, seeds, leaves, roots and even has different benefits for humans.

Villagers in Indonesia often use Moringa leaves to be consumed as a vegetable. But this time Moringa leaves are not only used as food but also as medicine. Moringa tree is called "Miracle Tree" by researchers, means it is Magic Tree because the nutrients in the leaves is complete compared to other crops.

Benefits of Moringa as food

Many people know that Moringa leaves can be processed into vegetable menu. In fact this is the main uses of Moringa leaves. In Indonesia, Moringa leaves are usually processed into a variety of vegetable dishes. In certain areas such as Manado and South Sulawesi Palopo, moringa leaves can be mixed with porridge.

With regular consumption of Moringa leaves, will help meet the needs of vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. Then the leaves of Moringa also contains essential amino acids complete. Not only that, the leaves of Moringa also contains high calcium.

Vitamins A and C on Moringa

If you have been thinking that the most vitamin A in carrots, then the highest Vitamin C in oranges, then you should be ready to be surprised. Since the latest research indicates the fact that Moringa contains vitamin A and C are the most. Vitamin A is beneficial for eye health, while vitamin C is very good for the immune system. By consuming Moringa leaves, the body's need for vitamin A and C are met. Moringa price in Indonesia is cheaper than in carrots and oranges. No wonder that in Africa, one of the uses of Moringa leaves are to combat malnutrition.

Moringa Leaf Nutrition

  • Moringa leaves are examined (Food Weight) = 100 gr
  • Moringa leaves parts that can be consumed (BDD / Food Edible) = 65%
  • The amount of energy = 82 kcal
  • Number of Protein = 6.7 gr
  • The amount of fat = 1.7 gr
  • Total Carbohydrate = 14.3 g
  • Number of Calcium = 440 mg 
  • The amount of phosphorus = 70 mg
  • Amount Iron = 7 mg
  • The amount of Vitamin A = 11300 IU
  • The amount of Vitamin B1 = 0.21 mg
  • The amount of Vitamin C content = 220 mg

Based on a study, Moringa leaves have an active compound that is predicted to serve as a remedy, namely arginine, leucine, methionine and several other compounds. With the active compound indicates that Moringa leaves can serve as antidiabet, antioxidant and antitumor. Several other studies indicate that Moringa leaves contain vitamin C seven times more than oranges, three times more potassium than bananas, four times more vitamin A than carrots and calcium four times more calcium than milk.

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